this is my dinner eruption how to cook this is by first get the folowing home made mashed patotoes aged steak green beans and gravy first grill steak on grill do not cut! (holds in flavor) add gravy to potatoes over top like so> and then line up green beans on plate like tree top serve with fancy drink and done.
there are so many games out today that chosing the right game can be hard so i made a list: mild calmn games rough action gomes smart violant games autistic (like me) anamal mythology games kind brain age iq games shy pokemon just board adventure anger management super smash bros these are the basics that are realy importaint that if you have any others tell them to me and check back its called v-game thereapy
it,s kind of hard to get more games when you are too young to get a job but i bet by my b-day i could get my own gamecube but here is something funny hold z before starting the game cube till the cube apears
in the past ive discovered you can train physically but your brain will never grow and if you are smart you,ll never get to be a fast thinker but there are alway,s us people like me who have nothing better to do but train our mind,s just tryout this game it is perfect after this i could think up a stratagy in a second but now there are slow games and wile i am typing this i am moving very slowly but at least there are still these fast game,s out there and this is my first blog knote good bye.
i have asburger syndrome i have no clue
about it cuz nobody will explain it to
me im also writing a story and love spending time with my three groups of
cousins long story but just so you know
it was my grandma my parents have never
goten devoced just so if you see my cousins blog